Family Life

Boulders and Bogs

So half term came and went.  To be honest it is all a bit of a blur.  I am lucky that my second job, as a teacher of art and photography, comes with generous holidays.  Believe me we need them…  With my wife also being a teacher in a special school it means we can have quality time with our two children.  I am sure you understand the guilt that comes with both parents working to give our children a good standard of living and the feeling that we don’t spend enough time with them.  So we try to make every second count when we get the chance. 

Ready for anything!

We managed to fill every day with some sort of exciting activity such as going to the cinema, ice skating, visiting Sainsbury’s (don’t laugh, this is a trip out for the Leslie’s!) and lunch followed by a walk at Fox House in the Derbyshire Peak District.

King and Queen of the hill!

We set off across the Dark Peak full of energy and vigour but within 50 yards of leaving the car park Alexander had lost a wellie in a peaty boggy puddle (white socks seemed such a good idea that morning!), Imogen and fallen and banged her knee, and Alexander had jumped off a really high boulder scaring himself and giving Amanda and I a heart attack!

Just a normal day!

Windswept and gorgeous!

Despite this we had an amazing time out in the fresh air climbing over boulders, walk and chatting and generally having the best time.

We are so lucky to live close to such amazing outdoor spaces and there are so many amazing opportunities for great location photographs in the Peak District.  If you have a special place where you go or would like so amazing outdoor photos of your children and your family just get in touch and we can capture some of those precious moments together.

“I have walked miles!”
Beautiful Derbyshire Peak District

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